Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tweeting, broadcasting your inner voice

Reading tweets can be a little addictive. I am following 1,871 people on Twitter, the majority of whom I have really no idea who they are. I am surprised on a daily basis by the type of thoughts people freely tweet. While I imagine most tweeters use a 'thought filter,' out of the large group I am following there is a crowd who broadcast their inner voice obviously without any 'thought filter.'

At the outset I imagined Twitter as a great new communication service for friends to quickly communicate with each other, no longer any need to log into an email account and compose. Having been on twitter for some months, I am realizing that it seems to be much more of platform for people to express themselves freely. As ideas and thoughts float across people minds, their inner voice now has its own radio station. I am hoping that the same inner voice that manifested a thought might also ask you ' are you sure you want to broadcast this particular thought to the world, we might want to keep this one to ourselves.'

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